The closed beta release is almost here!

It’s been a long time since you’ve heard from us here at the Bible X blog. But don’t worry about a thing, we haven’t lost any of our momentum.


On the contrary, the lack of activity on this front is only a reflection of the hours (and hours!) of work being put in on all other fronts, getting the game ready for our closed beta release on February 17. As the date draws increasingly nearer, anticipation is escalating at a corresponding rate.

Closed Beta Kickoff

We should clarify what it means that this is a “closed beta.” We’ve selected the BUK youth club as our only beta testers. This group is going to be our “guinea pigs.” They will tell us what works, what doesn’t, and what could use improvement, in addition to hunting out the bugs that we may have missed during development of the game. All of this is to ensure that when we fully release the game in the future, you, the player, will have the optimum gaming experience, free of bugs and hiccups. But don’t worry! The full release will be here before you know it, and you will be free to roam the streets of Jerusalem and immerse yourself fully in the world of Jesus and the disciples.

Hector with his time machine, Elijah

Over New Year 2021/22 the BUK youth club had an online “camp,” including activities and faith-building. The theme of the camp was “The start of an unforgettable journey.” During this camp, Bible X dropped the trailer for the game and delivered a “press release” about what to expect on February 17. The participants got to know the background and story behind the game and a preview of the journey ahead of them.

Each “Unit” will play through three captivating, challenging, and content-rich chapters. It’ll be a completely unique experience, and we’re really looking forward to seeing the reactions to the experience of being immersed in the history that we’ve only read about before.

An amazing invitation

Jesus invited everyone who wants to follow him to enter into a covenant with him, and everyone who accepts this amazing invitation receives incredible promises for this life and eternity! Our side of the covenant is to follow in his footsteps, living the life that he lived and taught, and getting to know the “fellowship of his sufferings,” as the Apostle Paul wrote about. If we do that, then we will really get to know him. That is the message that we really hope to bring to life for everyone who plays the game!

Max, the player character, talking to a shepherd boy in Jerusalem, 1st century AD

Kickoff trailer

And finally, the moment you’ve been waiting for. Here is the atmospheric trailer that introduces the world that we have created. Buckle in, the journey from Terrapolis to Jerusalem begins now:

2 thoughts on “The closed beta release is almost here!

  1. Christian A Martinez says:

    Please let me know if I can help testing the game and where to donate funds for the development if that’s possible 🙏✝️

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