Development Update: Nov-Dec 2023

Happy December! Can’t believe it’s one week to Christmas already. We’ve had a fun and busy couple months here at Bible X, making progress on all fronts especially in art, game design and marketing. Soon it’ll be Christmas and we’re looking forward to taking time off to spend with friends and family. But first, an update!

Game Mechanics – Traversal Experimentation

In the last update, we announced that we’ve been intensely prototyping and working on improving the game mechanics in Gate Zero. This has been the focus of our design and programming teams for the past few months with one goal: to make the moment to moment gameplay so fun and engaging that you guys would want to play again and again.

One of the areas we’ve been testing out are traversal actions for the player character. Here’s a clip from a little test of Max using a shepherd’s staff. What do you think?


Capernaum is a crucial location mentioned multiple times in all four gospels. It is the home base of Jesus when He began His public ministry, and is often referred to as His second home. Some key places include the house of Simon Peter’s mother-in-law, the Sea of Galilee and the synagogue where Jesus taught.

Our art team has been busy moving from the concept art stage to building Capernaum in Unreal Engine 5. Throughout the process, we consult with historians to ensure historical accuracy. Many elements here will need a lot more work, but we wanted to share the beautiful art our team has been creating so far!

Capernaum Docks

Concept art of the boat construction facilities

Capernaum Synagogue

Models of the synagogue

Sea of Galilee

Player interaction test at the Sea of Galilee in Capernaum

Giving to Bible X

Bible X, as a part of the media organization BCC Media, is a non-profit game studio. Donations to Bible X are tax-deductible. If you would like to make a year-end gift to support our mission to bring the Bible to the next generation, we invite you to check out our giving page here.

Marketing Updates

Instagram Viral Success

In mid-October, our Instagram broke records, reaching 7.7 million people in 30 days! We also saw a 4.7x growth since then, and we’re now at 123,000 followers! We wrote a post-mortem detailing some stats and lessons learned here.

30-day reach on our Instagram account @biblexgame

Presence at IRL Events

In November, we attended the Nerd Culture Ministry Summit in Texas and the THINQ Nxt Gen Summit in Tennessee. Check out this article for an update with lots of pictures!

Gate Zero on a panel about Missional Gaming at THINQ Nxt Gen Summit

And that’s it for now! We wish you and your loved ones a blessed Christmas and wonderful New Year. Thank you for all your support for Gate Zero in 2023, and we look forward to sharing more in the year to come!

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